Eulisia Er
Educational Psychologist
Eulisia is an Education Psychologist registered with the Singapore Register of Psychologist (SRP). Eulisia’s professional and personal experiences had crystalised her passion for helping individuals of varying ages and abilities. She has been working with individuals with special needs from across the spectrum of ages and presentations from 18 months to 65 years of age. Eulisia has extensive experience in administering and conducting assessments, behaviour management support and psychological interventions to children with special and developmental needs. Eulisia also has a keen interest in early intervention, home-school partnership and parenting.
Eulisia is passionate about Early Intervention and Special Education. Eulisia has previously worked at Early Intervention Programmes for Infants and Children (EIPIC) Centres, Special Schools and numerous private clinics. She believes that early intervention is the key to helping children develop and adapt to society as best as they can. It gives her great satisfaction to know that she has played a role in helping the children progress in their lives.
Eulisia has often been tasked to handle students with more challenging behavioural issues. She has expertise in Functional Behaviour Analysis (FBA) and Positive Behaviour Support (PBS). Eulisia has delivered holistic and effective intervention plans which addressed the root cause of children’s challenging behaviours, enabling these children to learn new skills and appropriate behaviours.
Apart from individual sessions with children, Eulisia believes that parenting and a strong partnership between teachers, parents and their psychologists play fundamental roles in the optimal development of children. In the past decade, Eulisia has equipped parents, caregivers and teachers with knowledge and strategies to better understand and manage their children’s developmental needs. She has helped numerous parents and teachers understand the significance of building healthy relationships with their children as a basis for positive behavioural changes and skills acquisition. Since 2012, Eulisia is an Accredited Facilitator for Signposts for Building Better Behaviour Programme, a parenting programme put together by KK Women and Children Hospital’s Department of Child Development (KKH DCD) and the Parenting Research Centre (PRC), Australia. In addition, Eulisia is a certified trainer of the Good Enough Parenting (GEP) programme accredited by Singapore’s Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF). Eulisia has also conducted training for teachers on Positive Behaviour Support strategies for their usage in the classroom.
In 2012, Eulisia was also one of the first psychologists to be involved in the implementation of a Transdisciplinary framework at a government-funded EIPIC Centre. The transdisciplinary framework is recognized as a best practice for early intervention. It adopts a family-centered systematic approach to early intervention that link assessment, goal development, intervention and evaluation processes, to meet the complex needs of children with disabilities and their families.
Clinical Specialisation
Eulisia has managed a diverse caseload with children ranging from 6 months to 21 years of age, with the following concerns:
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Global Developmental Delay (GDD)
Intellectual Disability (ID) such as Down’s Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DLD)
Learning Disabilities such as Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
Neurological conditions (e.g. Prader-Willi Syndrome)
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
Selective Mutism (SM)
Speech and Language Delays (SLD)
Socioemotional Issues (e.g. school refusal, poor confidence, emotional dysregulation)
Clinical Specialisation
Eulisia has managed a diverse caseload with children ranging from 6 months to 21 years of age, with the following concerns:
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Global Developmental Delay (GDD)
Intellectual Disability (ID) such as Down’s Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DLD)
Learning Disabilities such as Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
Neurological conditions (e.g. Prader-Willi Syndrome)
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
Selective Mutism (SM)
Speech and Language Delays (SLD)
Socioemotional Issues (e.g. school refusal, poor confidence, emotional dysregulation)
Aside from the aforementioned concerns, Eulisia has often been tasked to handle students with more challenging behavioural issues. She has expertise in Functional Behaviour Analysis (FBA) and Positive Behaviour Support (PBS). Eulisia has delivered holistic and effective intervention plans which addressed the root cause of children’s challenging behaviours, enabling these children to learn new skills and appropriate behaviours.
Apart from individual sessions with children, Eulisia believes that parenting and a strong partnership between teachers, parents and their psychologist play fundamental roles in the optimal development of children. Since 2012, Eulisia is an Accredited Facilitator for Signposts for Building Better Behaviour Programme, a parenting programme put together by KK Women and Children Hospital’s Department of Child Development (KKH DCD) and the Parenting Research Centre (PRC), Australia. In addition, Eulisia is a certified trainer of the Good Enough Parenting (GEP) programme accredited by Singapore’s Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF). Eulisia has also conducted training for teachers on Positive Behaviour Support strategies for their usage in the classroom.
In 2012, Eulisia was also one of the first psychologists to be involved in the implementation of a Transdisciplinary framework at a government-funded EIPIC Centre. The transdisciplinary framework is recognized as a best practice for early intervention. It adopts a family-centered systematic approach to early intervention that link assessment, goal development, intervention and evaluation processes, to meet the complex needs of children with disabilities and their families.
In the past decade, Eulisia has equipped parents, caregivers and teachers with knowledge and strategies to better understand and manage their children’s developmental need. She has helped numerous parents and teachers understand the significance of building healthy relationships with their children as a basis for positive behavioural changes and skills acquisition.
For her research in parental involvement, Eulisia won several awards (Best Research, Best Writing and Best Oral Presentation) in the 2017 Singapore Psychological Society Student Research Awards. She has actively participated and presented her research on family functioning, social skills and parent-child interventions in key conferences in Greece, Japan, USA, UK and Singapore.
In 2016, Eulisia received the NCSS SkillsFuture Study Award for Social Service Sector.In addition, Eulisia is an Assisted Deputyship Application Programme (ADAP) Supervisor for mental capacity assessments. ADAP helps parents of graduating cohorts in Special Education (SPED) schools apply to Court to be deputies for their child, so that they can continue to make legal decisions for their child after he or she turns 21. She is also a Certified Substance Abuse Therapist (CSAT), certified by the Asia Pacific Certification Board (APCB).
Beyond her current job scope, Eulisia holds concurrent appointments in the public sector; she volunteers in Singapore Psychological Society’s Research Committee as its deputy chair. In addition, she helps out as a Victim Care Officer with the Singapore Police Force to provide care services to victims of serious sexual crimes. In addition, Eulisia also volunteers as an Appropriate Adult.
The Appropriate Adult Scheme aims to provide assistance to persons with intellectual or mental disability (PWIDs) who are required to give a statement to the Police during investigations. Eulisia was also involved in the Hayes Ability Screening Index (HASI) test study, which was a pro-bono pilot-study on accused persons with intellectual disabilities, jointly conducted by the Law Society of Singapore, the Singapore Psychological Society and Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF). Eulisia was actively involved in the pilot project whereby HASI was used to identify potential persons with intellectual disabilities at the point of arrest when an offence is committed.
Training & Qualifications
Eulisia has been trained in the following:
UCLA PEERS® for Adolescents
Certified facilitator for ‘Signposts for Building Better Behaviour’ (behaviour management programme for parents)
Good Enough Parenting (GEP)
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills (ASIST)
Psychological First Aid
Mental Health First Aid
SRP Approved Supervisor, Singapore Psychological Society
Singapore Registered Psychologist
Assisted Deputyship Application Programme (ADAP) Supervisor for Mental Capacity Assessments
Full Member, Singapore Psychological
International Affiliate, American Psychological Association
Phi Kappa Beta Society
Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in Psychology
Golden Key International Honor Society
PhD Student (Psychology and Child & Human Development), University College London
Master of Science in Education (Secondary Special Education and Transition), The University of Kansas
Master of Arts in Applied Psychology (Educational Psychology), Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education (Singapore)
Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology
Higher Certificate in Autism, Autism Resource Centre, Singapore
Certificate in Autism, Autism Resource Centre, Singapore
Academic Appointments
Associate Faculty, Singapore University of Social Sciences
Academic and Examination Board, Arium School of Arts & Sciences
Adjunct Faculty, Arium School of Arts & Sciences
Adjunct Faculty, College of Allied Educators
Adjunct Faculty, Kaplan Higher Education
Consultant, Arium School of Arts & Sciences
Conference Presentations
Asian Conference on Psychology and Behavioural Sciences
2018, Kobe, Japan​
The 51st Gatlinburg Conference on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
2018, San Diego, USA
5th IASSIDD Europe Congress
2018, Athens, Greece
SPED Conference
2018, Singapore
Asia Pacific Autism Conference
2019, Singapore
International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) World Congress
2019, Glasgow
24th World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions
2020, Singapore
Special Award in Innovative Pedagogy, Singapore University of Social Sciences, 2023
Award for Teaching Excellence (Honourable Mention), Singapore University of Social Sciences, 2022
American Psychological Association PsychSolutions Finalist, 2020
Special Interest Research Group Early Research Career Award, 2019
International Convention of Psychological Science Travel Award, 2019
Best Research, Best Oral Presentation and Best Writing (3 awards), 2017 Student Research Awards, Singapore Psychological Society
NCSS SkillsFuture Study Award for Social Service Sector, 2016
Eulisia is currently located at MindChamps Allied Care @ Serangoon Gardens