Jasmine Goh
Senior Occupational Therapist

Jasmine Goh is a paediatric occupational therapist with vast experience in acute and community setting. She was a recipient of the SingHealth Scholarship and graduated from La Trobe University, Melbourne.
She spent almost 10 years in an acute paediatric hospital and has accumulated experience in managing cases involving clients 0-18 years old with developmental, neurological, musculoskeletal, genetic and oncology conditions. She has since worked with clients with fine motor, gross motor, handwriting, visual perceptual, sensory processing, cognitive, social skills, attention and behavioural concerns. She is also proficient in using standardised and non-standardised assessments to aid in analysing clients’ difficulties.
Jasmine has a cheerful and positive disposition with ability to build rapport and connect with her clients readily. She is a strong advocate in caregiver empowerment and believes in working closely with caregivers to help steer their children’s development.
She is also client-centred and holistic in treatment planning, as well as patient and proactive in addressing caregivers’ concerns. She had previously achieved several Service Quality awards for client care. She was previously involved in several research projects and had presented in the Singapore Association of Occupational Therapists (SAOT) conference. She was also actively involved in student and staff training, with passion in educating others.
Clinical Specialisation
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID)
Developmental Delay (DD)
Attention Difficulties
Emotional regulation Difficulties
Handwriting Difficulties
Visual Perceptual Difficulties
Motor Difficulties (e.g. fine/gross motor delays, dyspraxia)
Social skills difficulties
Learning Disabilities (e.g. dyslexia)
Neurological Conditions (e.g. cerebral palsy, stroke, acquired or traumatic brain injuries)
Genetic Conditions (e.g. Angelman syndrome, Down syndrome, DMD, Prader-Willi, Williams syndrome)
Feeding Difficulties (e.g. fussy eaters, sensory related)
Activities of Daily Living training (e.g. dressing, toilet training, nocturnal enuresis)
Training & Qualifications
DIR®/Floortime™ 101 DIR Model (Developmental, Individual Differences, Relationship Model)
NDT / Bobath Certificate Course in the Management and Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy and Other Neuromotor Disorders
Handwriting approaches (Handwriting Without Tears; Ready, set, write!)
Social Thinking by Michelle Gracia (Implementing Social Thinking concepts and vocabulary; Emotional regulation)
Sensory Integration Intervention with children by Dr Stephanie C. Bodison
Learn to play by Karen Stagnitti
Young Children with Emotional and/or Behavioural Problems by Prof Cecilia A. Essau
Essentials of Praxis Intervention for Children with Autism by Dr Teresa May Benson
Advanced Intervention for Ideational Praxis (Affordances to Executive Functions) by Dr Teresa May Benson
Sensory Defensiveness in Children by Patricia Wilbarger
Certification in Paediatric Massage by Liddlekidz
Sequential Oral Sensory (S.O.S.) Approach to Feeding
Allied Health Professions Council (Full Registration) Registration Number: A1301603I